Brian Ackin Photography

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Headshot Photography: Why Every Professional Should Have a Headshot

A headshot is one of the best investments you can make as a professional. Learn how headshot photography can help you succeed and how to get one here.

There's a reason why there are over 20,000 photographers found in Canada. Typically when we think the role of these professionals is confined to family photos and wedding shots.

But there's another vital function they perform, headshot photography. If you're a professional, you might be wondering whether or not investing in a headshot is worth it.

The truth is there are numerous reasons why you should take this essential professional photo seriously. That's why we made this guide.

In it, we'll be going over some reasons to invest in a headshot, as well as how to find a good photographer for the role. Let's get started!

It Creates a Strong First Impression

Did you know that a study found that people can decide within five seconds of meeting you whether or not you're successful? These days, many people's first impression of you typically comes from your headshot.

They'll typically see a profile picture for LinkedIn social profiles or your email well before they meet you in person. No one likes to think that people just judge a book by its cover.

But sadly, when it comes to first impressions, that's often the case. The good news is that a strong headshot can help you put your best foot forward when people see you.

When people get a sense of who you are from your photo, they're more likely to engage with you.

This can be vital for getting your foot in the door, whether it's with a new client or for a potential job interview. When you have a good headshot, you clear the way for a smooth interaction in whatever follows.

It Can Give You Professional Confidence

Some people are just naturally confident. However, the rest of us typically struggle with anxious thoughts when it comes to confidence. Often we worry whether or not we're a right fit for a job.

There are a lot of solutions to this type of imposter syndrome. But one great one is a quality headshot. Something happens to people's self-confidence when they see a great photo of themselves.

It can help them change their internal perception of themselves. All of a sudden, we can envision ourselves as high-level employees or bosses that we aspire to be.

Even if your confidence levels don't change after your headshot, the important thing is to fake it until you make it. A good portrait can pave the way for you to do this.

It Helps You Stand Out Professionally

It's a competitive job market out there. A good headshot won't be the only determining factor if you get a job interview or a new client.

But if you had to choose between someone with a blurry photo that's cropped from a wedding or someone with a great headshot, who would you choose for the job?

A headshot shows that you take yourself seriously as a professional. This can go a long way toward making you stand out in a sea of other candidates.

It Helps Your Personal Branding

When most people think of branding, they picture huge corporations and logos. But the reality is that everyone, from individual professionals to small businesses, has a brand.

If you're an individual, your headshot can convey more than just what you look like. It can help paint a full picture of your personality, skills, and what you value.

Or, if you're a larger business, it can present a unified front of employees. Let's say you are scrolling through the employee section of two different websites. One website has a motley crew of different photograph styles for the employees.

Some are professional headshots, while others are just cellphone selfies. The other website features all the employees with similar style photographs, all professional, quality headshots. Which company do you think has better personal branding?

The professional one is more likely to attract potential clients. It's not hard to see why.

If a company can't even present a unified brand for their employee photos, how can you expect them to deliver good results on whatever service they offer?

How to Find a Good Headshot Photographer

Finding a quality photographer for your corporate headshot can often be easier said than done. So, how do you get started? First, perform a quick internet search of photographers in your area.

Once you have a rough list, you can start the research phase. Pay attention to client reviews. This will give you a lot of insight into what the average person's experience has been with the photographer.

You should also look closely at their portfolio. If you aren't impressed by their past work, keep looking until you are. You can't expect a photographer to make your headshot stand out if they can't make others stand out first.

How Much Should You Pay For a Headshot Photography?

When you're looking for a professional headshot, it can be tempting to go the cheap route. After all, does it really make such a big difference? The answer is yes, it can.

True, you can find photographers that will take your photo for $100 or less. But the reality is that at this price, the photographer simply won't have enough money for a studio, equipment, insurance, taxes, and editing software.

That means they're going to need to cut corners. The result will be a subpar headshot that you could likely do at home yourself. So exactly how much should you pay for a professional headshot?

Brian Ackin offers session prices starting around $250, which is reasonable considering the quality you're getting.

If you want to learn more about the different media kit packages you can take advantage of, you can check out the pricing model here.

Want Great Headshot Photography? Contact Brian Ackin

We hope this guide helped you learn more about the importance of headshot photography. If you're looking for a professional headshot in the Greater Toronto area, look no further than Brian Ackin. He combines technical precision and creative expression in a way that few other artists can.

The result is a headshot that conveys professionalism and your unique personality. So, if you're ready for the headshot photography that you deserve, contact Brian Ackin today.